I sent out a message on Facebook to some friends that contained a link to our first draft of our music video and asked them to send me back some feedback with three aspects that they liked about the concept/camera shots/mise-en-scene/etc. I also got them to look at my blog and comment on my CD Digipak.
Here is the message I sent out to them;
Here are their responses to the first draft of our video and my CD Digipak;
Here is the message I sent out to them;
Here are their responses to the first draft of our video and my CD Digipak;
"This is really good, its hard to judge it overall with all the black bits so i shall tell u my fav parts... i really like the part with the pa desk thought it was quite an original idea and drew my attention. I liked it with the girl speaking upside down reflects the nature of the song. The shots of the band were good i like it in black and white and the set up of the equipment makes countys stage look pro lol. Not too sure about josh's face :) My other favorite part is with the lipstick marks on the guitar!
One thing i would say maybe the ending could be slightly different it seems a bit slow and is just lacking something........ but what do i know lol.... otherwise its really good... cant wait to see the finished product.
I also looked at your blog i think the cd cover u made is amazing!!!! Looks extremely pro :) xxx"
One thing i would say maybe the ending could be slightly different it seems a bit slow and is just lacking something........ but what do i know lol.... otherwise its really good... cant wait to see the finished product.
I also looked at your blog i think the cd cover u made is amazing!!!! Looks extremely pro :) xxx"
"hey hey,
first off love the cd cover! looks amazing!
so....yeah like piano i loved the pa desk part! though it was catchy! And i liked the close up bit of the pile of torn out bits from the magazine when they were being taken off....do you know the part i mean? its kinda hard to explain, but yeah love that bit!! and also love the shots of the girl upside down! singing and crumbleing the paper etc....was really effective! so yeah those are the bits that i like! :D
in contarty to piano i think the end was really effective! and quite enjoyed it! :) i dont think you should change it!!
just curious as to what your gunna put in the black parts....?!"
So now we just need to add in all the new footage we are going to take into the black screens to complete the video, but it is getting really good responses so far! I am also pleased that people seem to like my CD Digipak design!
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