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Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Video Screening and Audience Feedback...

Last week we organised a screening of all the AS and A2 media productions in our school hall. We invited the whole of the sixth form, any year 11 students that were thinking of taking media A Level next year and any teachers that wanted to watch the year 12s film openings and our music videos.

I presented our group's music video and simply said that the video was created with the intention of the narrative following the lyrics whilst still maintaining a performance element that is common in Alternative Rock music videos.

Lots of people turned up to watch the music videos and we asked each member of the audience them to write down some feedback on sheets that we had printed with two questions on them.

1) Please give details about what you like about our music video...


2) What is your favourite part of our music video and why?

Here are some examples of people's written responses to our music video for She by The Mags...

We also set up a camera corner in the room next door to the hall where the videos were played so that we could ask the audience to sit down in front of the flip cameras and answer a few questions about our music video.