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Thursday, 25 November 2010


Over the weekend (20th-21st November 2010) my friend Malachi Kelly was hosting a gallery with all his photographs from his trip to Kenya, at The Rag Factory in Brick Lane, London. He offered me a chance to exhibit some of my own photographs in the gallery and I jumped at the chance.
It was such a brilliant opportunity for me to share my work and to raise money for an important charity at the same time. 100% profit went straight to a charity based in Kenya called 'Sure 24' and after the weekend a total of nearly £2,000 was raised.
I have always enjoyed taking photographs alongside Mal because we used to go to events and swap cameras to see what we could both come up with and then compare photos and I respect him as a photographer because his work is amazing and he knows what he is doing.
So when I heard that he was hosting a gallery for his 18th birthday, I was very excited to be part of something so good.
And of course I was very grateful for the opportunity to show off my own photography in a very cool part of London for the first time.
I also had the chance to speak to professional photographers who took an interest in my work and it was good to see people buying the work and raising money for the charity.

I chose to post this on my Media Studies blog because I had to go through the process of choosing photographs to display, sending them off to print, buying frames and framing the photographs, etc. and this process was extremely helpful to me in that it helped me with my presentation skills and shot framing skills.

I also filmed some of the gallery on the flip camera in order to document the occasion and then edited it on iMovie. I made one version for me and for this blog, and I will also create another version for Mal's website which is...

Here is my version of the video;

Charlotte also came down to the gallery on the sunday to help me film and to support me and my work! My photographs are the very last ones you see in the above video.