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Monday, 20 September 2010

Meeting Log...

From now on I will be recording every meeting we have as a group on my blog and what happened in the meeting so that when we look back over the year of research, planning and production we will be able to read over our meeting logs and write a much more detailed evaluation of the year's work. This will be my first meeting log of the year:

DATE: 17th September 2010
TIME: 13:45-15:20
LOCATION: School Premises
TOPIC: Choice Of Genre and Possible Songs

MINUTES: We discussed the possibility of doing a ska song for our music video as we all like that genre of music and we thought it would be nice to use something a bit different rather than a current popular song. We considered using a song by Toots and the Maytals from the start of the film This Is England but after discussion we are not sure if we could come up with a concept that would match the song, so we might do a song by the band the kinks or the specials. We will need further discussion on this but we decided to go away from the meeting and each research into different songs and then come back and make a more educated decision on which song to choose.